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TF2YD Stores > Fraggle Reef > Soft Corals> Sonic Flare Zoanthid Zoantharia sp.

Sonic Flare Zoanthid Zoantharia sp.

Category: Soft Corals

Price: £29.99 each

Discount: Buy 2 or more Sonic Flare Zoanthid Zoantharia sp. and get £24.99 off each fish!!

Stock: 4 in stock

Really high quality and bright coloured Zoas.

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Volume Discount: Buy 2 or more Sonic Flare Zoanthid Zoantharia sp. and get £24.99 off each fish!!
Size: NA

Sonic Flare Zoanthid Zoantharia sp.

These Sonic Flare 'Zoas' have faces that combine rings of pink and dusty dark red/maroon. Some polyps have an opalescent look when viewed at a certain angle. Sonic Flare Zoanthids are easy to keep and are a great choice for the beginner. Zoanthids and Palythoa will grow and reproduce by budding.