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Screaming Green Birdsnest Coral Seriatopora guttatus

Placement: Mount the Screaming Green Birdsnest Coral using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the aquarium where it will receive direct flow and light. Feeding: Fraggle Reef recommends feeding acropora corals with coral food. Target feeding gets the corals fed using less food while …

Category: SPS Corals

Price: £15.00 each

Discount: No discounts available

Stock: Temporarily out of stock

Zoanthus Mega Rainbow / Zoa Zoanthus sp.

Placement: Mount the Zoanthus Mega Rainbow using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock lower in the aquarium where they will receive direct flow and light. If you do not want them growing on your your main rock structure, try creating a Zoanthid island by mounting several …

Category: Soft Corals

Price: £19.99 each

Discount: No discounts available

Stock: Temporarily out of stock

Pink Birdsnest Coral Seriatopora stellata

Placement: Mount the Pink Birdsnest Coral using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the aquarium where it will receive direct flow and light. Feeding: Fraggle Reef recommends feeding sps corals with coral foods. Target feeding gets the corals fed using less food while …

Category: SPS Corals

Price: £9.99 each

Discount: No discounts available

Stock: Temporarily out of stock

Beach Bum Montipora Montipora sp

Placement: Mount the Beach Bum Montipora coral using gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the aquarium where it will receive direct flow and light. Feeding: Fraggle Reef recommends feeding montipora corals with Reef Royds. Target feeding gets the corals fed using less food while keeping …

Category: SPS Corals

Price: £65.00 each

Discount: No discounts available

Stock: Temporarily out of stock

Medusa Montipora Hirsuta Coral Montipora hirusta

Aquaculture: Think of frags as montipora seeds. Fragments of montipora are mounted onto small stones and grown in aquariums. We grow and frag Medusa Montipora Hirsuta coral here at Fraggle Reef. We believe that frags and aqua-cultured corals are the future of the aquarium hobby. Placement: Mount the Medusa Montipora …

Category: SPS Corals

Price: £12.99 each

Discount: No discounts available

Stock: 1 in stock

Forest Fire Montipora Coral Montipora digitata

Placement: Mount the Forest Fire Montipora Digitata using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the aquarium where it will receive direct flow and light. Forest Fire Montipora Digitata will encrust the rock and grow beautiful branched colonies. Feeding: Fraggle Reef recommends feeding sps …

Category: SPS Corals

Price: £19.99 each

Discount: No discounts available

Stock: 2 in stock

Green Montipora Capricornis Coral Montipora capricornis

Placement: Mount with Green Montipora Capricornis using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the aquarium where it will receive direct flow and light. Remember that as is grows and plates out it will create more and more shade below it. Feeding: Fraggle Reef recommends feeding …

Category: SPS Corals

Price: £9.99 each

Discount: No discounts available

Stock: 5 in stock

Purple Montipora Capricornis Coral Montipora capricornis

Placement: MountPurple Montipora Capricornus Coral using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the aquarium where it will receive direct flow and light. Remember that as is grows and plates out it will create more and more shade below it. Feeding: Fraggle Reef recommends feeding montipora …

Category: SPS Corals

Price: £19.99 each

Discount: No discounts available

Stock: 5 in stock

Red Cap Montipora / Plating Montipora Montipora capricornis

Placement: Mount the Red Cap Montipora Coral using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the aquarium where it will receive direct flow and light. Remember that as it grows and plates out it will create more and more shade below it. Feeding: Fraggle Reef recommends …

Category: SPS Corals

Price: £9.99 each

Discount: No discounts available

Stock: 5 in stock

Smooth Skin Green Purple / Branching Staghorn Coral Acropora nasuta

Placement: Mount the Smooth Skin Acropora Coral using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the aquarium where it will receive direct flow and light. Remember this coral can grow big over time so place it near the halfway up in your aquarium to …

Category: SPS Corals

Price: £44.99 each

Discount: No discounts available

Stock: 7 in stock

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