TFF Surplus Fish Exchange

This page is for people to advertise any surplus stock which they would like to sell.

You may be a breeder or perhaps just have some fish that you would now like to sell to make space for something else. To place your free advert, simply complete the form at the foot of the page.

Current SFE adverts:

No adverts currently listed for that category.

Place your advert

To place your advert, simply complete the form below. Standard adverts are free of charge. Or you can have a premium advert for a small charge of £5 per month.

Your details:
Name: *
Location: *
Email address: *
Advert type: *
Advert length:  Please show for month/s.
Premium Advert: Yes, I would like a premium advert.
Privacy Policy:  I consent to TFF storing my details for this advert and have read and agree to the Privacy Policy.
Your item details/requirements:
Fish/Item name: *
Price: £ *
Further information:
* - required

Once you have placed your advert it will be added to our database for activation. We will check the advert and will then activate it to show up above.