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TF2YD Stores > Test Shop > Fish Science Fish Treats + Algae 9g Aquarium Food Science Tropical stick on Tabs

Fish Science Fish Treats + Algae 9g Aquarium Food Science Tropical stick on Tabs

Category: NA

Price: £9.99 each

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Stock: 1 in stock

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Fish Science Fish Treats + Algae 9g Aquarium Food Science Tropical stick on Tabs

FishScience Fish Treats with Algae (9g sachet)

Sticks to the aquarium side so you can observe your fish.
Ideal for goldfish, plecs, loaches, cichlids and algae eating marine fish.
Specially formulated to promote health, easy digestion and long life.
Contains natural ingredients to promote your fish's health including Beta Glucans, garlic and omega 3 oils.
Contains Spinach and Spirulina algae.
Can be broken in half and will still stick to the aquarium glass.

Feeding guidelines: Feed 1-2 times a day, as much as your goldfish will consume in 1 minute. Uneaten food should be removed from the aquarium.