Latest fish articles and tips

In this section we aim to include useful text and articles from the hobby covering a broad range of topics. Several of the main fish clubs in the U.K will be contributing material over the coming months.

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Badis Badis

Badis badis by M. J. Parry Newport Aquarists Society, England Aquarticles The Nandidae group of fishes, native to South America, the West Indies, Africa and India, comprises several species, few of which are known to the majority of aquarists. Probably the most …

Distichodus, Congo Tetras and other African Characins

Although aquarists usually associate characins with South America, the geographical range of the order Characiformes is much wider than that, including Central America and Africa as well. Central American characins are not routinely traded -- the blind cave-dwelling form of …

How to Choose and Keep Fancy Betta Splendens

Fancy Bettas, sometimes called Siamese Fighting Fish, are very popular aquarium fish. While their wild ancestors (known as Betta splendens) have presumably been living in the ponds and slow-flowing streams of Thailand and Malaysia for millions of years, the tank-bred …

Kribs and Cousins

Kribs and Cousins There are some fish that you are so used to seeing around that they just become part of the wallpaper; when you're shopping round the aquariums for a new project to try you just pass over them on …

A Review of Hatchetfish

Hatchetfish are a popular group of characins widely available in the aquatic industry. They are known for their unusual body shape with a large muscular convex ventral area as well as their ability to ‘fly’ out of the water using …

Lung fish

Although not necessarily among the most attractive of the species available within the trade, Lungfish are arguably among the most unusual and interesting. They are capable of breathing atmospheric air via ‘lungs’, which are actually a modified swim bladder. These …

How to keep Stingrays

Freshwater stingrays are farmed and widely sold, but they remain very challenging fish to keep properly. The two main problems are their large size and their stiff requirements in terms of water quality. Anyone planning on keeping a stingray must …

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Poecilia sp. "Endlers"

Mr. Gerry Hawksby , an Honorary Member of several Aquarium Societies, is a much respected figure in the Yorkshire Association of Aquarist Societies. Although killifish are Gerry's 'first love' he has a longtime interest in livebearing species and wrote the …

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Brackish Water Fishes

Brackish water fishes are those species that inhabit the middle zone between rivers and the sea. Some of them spend their time in freshwater environments when young, and as they become older, move downstream before spending most of their time …

Leaf fish: Challenging predators for the experienced aquarist

Leaf fish are predatory fish that have the shape and mottled brown colour of rotting leaves. In the wild they rely on this camouflage to stay hidden from their prey, which is invariably captured by stealth rather than speed. Most …

Arowanas: the legendary dragonfishes

The family Osteoglossidae, commonly called arowanas, includes ten species of large, primitive fish distributed right across the tropics. Because they cannot tolerate salt water, the existence of such closely related fishes across South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia mystified biologist …

Microctenopoma - Small African Climbing Perch for the Community Tank

The smaller climbing perches of the genus Microctenopoma are among the more overlooked oddball fishes in the hobby. For the most part they are hardy, adaptable fish well suited to community tanks alongside species of similar size. Only one or …

Asian Community Catfish: Mystus spp.

Often overlooked in favour of the South American Corydoras species, the various Mystus species from Southeast Asia have the potential to make charming additions to community tanks. Unlike Corydoras they are active carnivores, but the smaller species hunt for invertebrates …


The Eartheaters are a group of fish known for their feeding behaviour by which they sift the substrate of their environment for food. One genus of the group, Geophagus, is popular in the aquatic trade due to its members’ usually …

The Talking Catfish (Agamyxis pectinifrons)

The Talking Catfish (Agamyxis pectinifrons) Order Siluriformes, Family Doradidae Common names Talking catfish, whitebarred catfish, spotted Raphael catfish Synonyms Doras pectinifrons Description The talking catfish is a species for those who are prepared to wait a while before they see any activity. Primarily …

The Bronze Corydoras

The Bronze Corydoras (Corydoras aeneus) Order Siluriformes, Family Callichthyidae Common names Bronze corydoras, Bronze catfish Synonyms Corydoras schultzei, Corydoras macrosteus, Corydoras venezuelanus, Callicthys aeneus, Hoplosternum aeneus, Hoplosoma aeneum Description The bronze corydoras is a cheerful and outgoing fish, a group of which will always be …

Bettas: Who Make the ‘betta’ Tank Mates?

Bettas (commonly known as siamese fighting fish) are one of the most popular fish in the world of fish-keeping. They are native to Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. The name ‘betta’ refers to around 70 species of fish and they …

A Rainbow in the Tank

A Rainbow in the Tank Those of us who live in areas where the kettle is permanently coated with a layer of white fuzz and you need half a bottle of shampoo to get a few bubbles may well look at …

Oscars: everyone's favourite cichlids

The genus Astronotus contains two species, Astronotus ocellatus and Astronotus crassipinnis. The former is the popular Oscar, a fish that has been bred commercially for decades and is easily obtained in a variety of colour morphs, some natural, others artificial. …

King Of The Aquarium - The Guppy

If a ‘king of the aquarium’ is mentioned these days, it’s usually in a discussion about discus. However, the regal post was held not so long ago by another fish, also very beautiful, and easily accessible to just about every …

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