Our origins

Welcome to Tropical Fish Finder. I felt that a medium was needed so that fish shops could easily list what fish they currently have available.

At the same time a good search mechanism was required so that it was easy to search for a particular species from the lists of the participating shops. Tropical Fish Finder provides that medium for shops in the UK as well as making it very easy for users to find the fish they want.

We have added in a database of species which is only in its early stages, but eventually it will be possible to see what fish are in stock at the shops and also get some basic background information about the fish before buying them.

I also find that along with many other fellow fish keeping enthusiasts it is not always easy to find the time every week to visit my local shops and keep up to date with what they have in stock. TFF is a great way of keeping up to date although I still visit my local stores whenever possible.

Over the coming months we will be adding shops across the UK to the service which will eventually mean that your local store is included. We have started with five shops in the South East which will give you a taste of things to come. Please feel free to register and receive the stock lists of these shops. If you have comments about the service, please let us know.

Janeta Zala

Our fish database

Our database provides listings of over 5,000 species. Some of the fish listed are rarely found in the hobby and some are yet to be imported, but we have still included them because more and more species are being imported and one day they may well be found at your local shops. The database itself is an ongoing work and over the coming months we will be adding in more details about the species listed such as their origin, water requirements etc.

Whilst we have tried to keep the information as accurate as possible, inevitably due to almost constant changes in some cases, such as scientific names, some of the information may be out of date or perhaps even so new that you do not recognise it. We have tried wherever possible to include the old scientific name as well, but if you think there are errors or perhaps the lists are not as up to date as they should be, please let us know.

Over time the database will become a very powerful resource and will help you to make informed decisions about which fish you would like to buy. We are always on the look out for photographs and it is our aim over the coming months to have the majority of the lists accompanied by a photograph.

Whilst we have endeavoured to get the database as accurate as possible, we do not accept any responsibility for inaccuracies, errors or omissions which have been made.

Special offers

As a registered user you will be able to select which shops you are happy to receive special offer details from. Sometimes these will be available to registered users and sometime they will be exclusively available to TFF Discount Card holders. The offers will include dry goods as well as good deals on fish purchases.

You can select the option to receive special offers in your account field and you can opt out at any time.

Marine Fish Finder

Members of the Tropical Fish Finder Club will also be entitled to discounts on their Marine fish purchases at some of the participating shops and to make life easier Marine Fish Finder will give you all the benefits of Tropical Fish Finder.