• Source: Sims Tropical Fish

Paraneetroplus synspilus(Red Head Quetzel Cichlid, Vieja Melanura, Cichlasoma Synspilum)

Paraneetroplus synspilus has many synonyms; Vieja melanura, Quetzal Cichlid,Red head Cichlid or Firehead Cichlid. It is a species of cichlid native to Central America where it is found in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala. This species can reach a length of 35 cm.

It is one of the most colourful cichlid species with males displaying metallic green, blue, pink and orange along their flanks. It has been used in creating new hybridized aquarium cichlids that became popular in Asia in recent years and is probably one of the parents of modern blood parrot cichlids and flowerhorn cichlids.

Fish information (behaviour and breeding):

Large mature males will develop a nuchal hump on the forehead and display brighter colours. They will acclimatise to a wide range of conditions, with a preference for a pH: 6.5-7.8, dH: up to 20 degrees.

The Synspilum Cichlid is a species which is best kept as an established male-female pair. They are generally peaceful towards other cichlids and are often more intolerant of their own kind... especially if not given enough space. Before spawning, the pair will begin cleaning a potential spawning site e.g. a flat piece of slate. Then, up to 1200 eggs will be laid, followed by a hatching session after 2-3 days. The parents will protect the young, which should be free-swimming by one week of age.

A very powerful filtration system needs to be given, also partial water changes carried out 2 or 3 times per week. The tank itself should have a substrate of sand or small rounded gravel. Bogwood and rocks/slate can be used to create sheltered areas, but these should be made secure as these cichlids are more than capable of moving décor around.

Although this species will adapt to a wide range of water conditions, they will be seen at their best in soft, slightly acidic water (peat filtration is beneficial). Not to be kept with small fish. Other central American cichlids of a similar size and temperament make great tankmates. However, if breeding does occur, expect aggression towards the other fish.

This species requires a balanced diet in order to retain good colouration. Slow sinking pellets & wafers, frozen foods such as mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, Mysis shrimp, krill, chopped cockle, chopped mussel meat and prawns will all be taken with much enthusiasm. Don't forget to provide a vegetable component to the diet, such as spinach, lettuce and cucumber.

Family Group: South and Central American Cichlids
Distribution Central and South Americantral and South America, Mexico to North Argentina
Temperature 24-30C
Size 35CM
Water Parameters Soft and slightly acidic
Water PH 6.5-7.5
Diet Special Needs
Sociability Peaceful
Water Chemistry less than pH 7 - acidic
Care Level Easy

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