Piaractus brachypomus(Red Belly Pacu, Red Bellied Pacu)

Piaractus brachypomus is a large species of pacu. This great fish is closely related to piranhas and silver dollars. It is native to the Amazon basin in tropical South America. This species is often referred to as the Red Bellied Pacu. Juveniles have a distinct red chest and belly, and are easily confused with the carnivorous red-bellied piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri), but the two can be easily distinguished by their teeth. Adults lose the bright red chest and belly and are sometimes mistaken for Colossoma macropomum, but can be separated by then distinguished by several features like an adipose fin that lacks rays, shape of teeth and operculum.

Fish information (behaviour and breeding):

In general, the behavior resembles that of the closely related tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum). Keep this fish between 26 and 28 °C. It is worth noting that the system should be well filtered and oxygenated. When kept in a group, it is common to see some quarrel, due to the nature of their personalities, It can take a lot of time for them to get accustomed to the aquarium and they may try to jump out, so keep the tank lid closed.

Small fish will likely be eaten but in general it’s quite peaceful with bigger species. Shy companions may see the constant activity and feel bothered by them. Obviously a very large tank is needed to incorporate this fish into a community. If this kind of space is available suitable tankmates include Arowana, other similarly-sized characins, big cichlids, and large catfish from the Pimelodid, Doradid and Loricariid groups.

As juveniles, they are shoaling, however as they mature they become more solitary. This fish can be kept in a group in the aquarium. If the tank isn't big enough, adults can become a bit of a nuisance to other tank mates, chasing and nipping the fins of both conspecifics and other species.

Regarding diet, a varied diet consisting of quality dried pellets or floating sticks, along with plenty of fruit and vegetables is a great idea. Spinach, lettuce leaves, fruit and vegetables (apple, banana, peach, grapes, courgette, peas, cabbage and carrot) are also great ideas to give.

The fish are often induced to spawn via the use of hormones.

Family Group: Characins
Distribution South America, Amazon
Temperature 25-28C
Size 60CM in captivity
Water Parameters Adaptableptable, but avoid extremes
Water PH 5-7.5
Diet Special Needs
Schooling Fish No
Water Chemistry less than pH 7 - acidic
Care Level Easy
Sociability Aggressive

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