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Serrasalmus cf. humeralis(Pirambeba, Green Tiger Piranha)

Serrasalmus humeralis is very similar to Serrasalmus eigenmanni and they are considered by some experts to be all part of a single large species complex that also includes species such as Serrasalmus hollandi. In any case, this particular species is recognised in the trade at least by the vertical stripes present on juvenile fish and the more or less prominent dark "humeral spot" visible above and behind the pectoral fin.

Fish information (behaviour and breeding):

Serrasalmus are schooling fish at certain times of the year, though males become very territorial when guarding their nests during the breeding season. When kept in groups, these fish must be kept in a large tank and the school should number at least a half dozen specimens. Otherwise hierarchical aggression within the group will become problematic, usually ending up with the dominant male killing off his tankmates.

Wild fish feed on fish and invertebrates of various types. In captivity readily accepts live foods such as earthworms and river shrimps, as well as all the usual frozen foods (lancefish, prawns, squid, etc.). Believed to be a fin- and scale-eater as well.

Family Group: Characins
Distribution South America: Amazon River basin and elsewhere
Temperature 22-25 C
Size 20 cm
Water Parameters Adaptable; tolerates hard water well
Water PH 6.0-7.5
Water Chemistry Adaptable
Diet Adaptable
Sociability Aggressive
Care Level Difficult
Schooling Fish Yes

Shop stock

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