• Source: Copyright www.jjphoto.dk

Pterophyllum scalare(Ghost Redhead Angelfish)

An artificial form of the common angelfish with a pale body and transparent gill covers, giving the fish a distictive "blushing" appearance.

Fish information (behaviour and breeding):

Angelfish are peaceful, schooling fish best kept in groups. They naturally inhabit areas thick with vegetation, and do well in planted tanks. While they are generally well behaved towards other fish, they are predatory, and will eat small species such as neons, glowlights, and danios. On the other hand, angelfish will be persecuted by nippy species such as serpae tetras, black widows, pufferfish, and tiger barbs.

Tank bred fish spawn readily, usually on large leaves or upright stones. They are notoriously unreliable as far as broodcare goes, with many fish simply eating the eggs soon after spawning. It is usually best for the aquarist to remove the parents and raise the fry manually. The eggs hatch after a day or so, and by the 5th day the fry are free swimming and able to eat newly hatched brine shrimp and liquid fry food.

Family Group: South and Central American Cichlids
Distribution Guyana (Amazon River)
Temperature 24-28C
Size Up to 12 cm
Water Parameters Soft, acid water preferred, but adaptable
Water PH 6.0-7.0

Shop stock

The latest shops to have this fish in stock are listed below. Click on a shop name for full shop details, or click the link below the shops to view ALL shops that stock this fish.

New Atlantic Country Superstore Suffolk NR35 2TQ View shop

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