• Source: Copyright Aqualog

Cichlasoma portalegrense(Port Cichlid, Aequidens portalegrensis)

A small, rather drab cichlid that was among the first cichlids kept by hobbyists but is now rather rarely traded. Basic colour is pinkish brown, with a variable pattern of vertical bands and horizontally distributed spots that come and go depending on the mood. In breeding condition the fish acquire a good deal of green and blue on the flanks and fins. Males tend to be more brilliantly coloured when spawning, but otherwise the two sexes are difficult to differentiate.

Fish information (behaviour and breeding):

Territorial but otherwise peaceful, this is a good fish for the community aquarium alongside Corydoras and medium sized tetras. Will dig, but its small size makes it safe in tanks planted with Amazon swords and other robust species. Hardy and tolerant of relatively cool conditions this species is ideally suited to a subtropical aquarium. At the very least, ensure the temperature does not go about 25C.

Not difficult to breed, but rarely done. Soft and acidic water conditions are required. The fish spawn on a stone or some other open surface. Both sexes guard the eggs and fry. Up to 500 eggs are produced. The fry are quite large and easy to rear.

Family Group: South and Central American Cichlids
Distribution Brazil
Temperature 20-24C
Size Around 10-15 cm
Water Parameters Soft and acid water preferred
Water PH 6.0-7.5

Shop stock

The latest shops to have this fish in stock are listed below. Click on a shop name for full shop details, or click the link below the shops to view ALL shops that stock this fish.

Amwell Aquatics - Soham Cambridgeshire CB7 5UE View shop
Aquatic Design Centre London SW12 0PS View shop

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