• Source: Copyright www.fischhaus-zepkow.de

Callochromis stappersi

Mature males have a pearly sheen and are covered with a scattering of bright blue spots. There are also indistinct mottle patches on the head and flanks. There is a bold eyespot on the gill covers. Quiescent males are less brightly coloured. Females are smaller and silvery with little in the way of markings except some vague vertical bands on the flanks and an indistinct eyespot on the gill covers.

Fish information (behaviour and breeding):

A territorial species, but best kept in a group in a large tank for the full range of behaviours to be observed. Provide these fish with a sandy substrate for digging. Males build large nests to attract females, and unreceptive females, as well as other males, are aggressively driven away. This species is a maternal mouthbrooder, with fertilisation taking place externally, in the nest built by the female.

Family Group: African Cichlids
Distribution Lake Tanganyika, Africa
Temperature 23-27C
Size 10 cm
Water Parameters -
Water PH 7.5-8.5

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