• Source: Neale Monks

  • Source: Neale Monks

Awaous flavus(Butterfly Goby)

Fairly large, mudskipper-like goby. The body is basically silvery white with a few vertical bands on the flanks. The dorsal fins are brightly coloured (and indeed are rather like butterfly wings). Sexual dimorphism is slight, but males have thicker vertical bands than the females. Older sources refer to this fish as Awaous flavus.

Fish information (behaviour and breeding):

Active, peaceful fish that do best kept in tanks with a soft, sandy substrate. These fish are burrowers and will sometimes completely dig themselves in with only their eyes showing. They are also "earth eaters", constantly sifting mouthfuls of sand for food. They eat bloodworms, lobster eggs, and other small invertebrates. This species is short-lived and should not be kept too warm.

Family Group: Miscellaneous
Distribution South and Central America
Temperature 20-25 C
Size Around 10 cm
Water Parameters Neutral freshwater or slightly brackish (SG up to 1.005)
Water PH 7.0-8.0
Diet Adaptable
Care Level Easy
Water Chemistry More than pH 7 - Alkaline
Schooling Fish No
Sociability Peaceful

Shop stock

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