• Source: copyright www.jjphoto.dk

  • Source: Copyright Aqualog

Pareutropius buffei(Three Striped African Glass Catfish)

Frequently confused with the very similar Pareutropius debauwi. Pareutropius debauwi has one and a half dark horizontal bands running along the body: one running from the eye to the base of the tail, and a shorter band running from the eye to the front edge of the anal fin. Pareutropius buffei has only a single band along the flank, from the eye to the base of the tail. Its colours are also a trifle more brilliant in contrast. Despite the widespread attribution of African glass catfish to the species Pareutropius debauwi by retailers and hobbyists, that species is actually rather uncommonly imported.

Fish information (behaviour and breeding):

Intensely sociable and very nervous, this species must be kept in a large group, preferably more than 6, and ideally more than 10. Only suitable for community tanks with very peaceful tankmates. Do not combine with anything aggressive or nippy. Otherwise quite hardy and easy to care for. Will eat most foods, though small live foods such as daphnia and mosquito larvae are especially relished. Needs lots of swimming room and a good water current, but ensure there are shady spots for the fish to congregate in. Large plants such as Anubias and Amazon swords would fit the bill perfectly. Floating plants could also be used. Darken the water with peat or blackwater extract, and use a dark substrate to minimise glare. This will encourage the fish to settle in quickly. Under good conditions, these fish are active by day and a pleasure to keep.

Family Group: Catfish
Distribution West Africa: Benin, Niger, Nigeria
Temperature 24-28C
Size 8 cm
Water Parameters Soft to neutral conditions preferred
Water PH 6.0-7.5

Shop stock

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