Microsynodontis polli(Pygmy Synodontis)

A small catfish rather like an elongate, somewhat flattened upside-down catfish. Basic colour is brown, lighter underneath, with a pattern of cream coloured spots on the flanks. The tail is comparatively large and paddle-like.

A variety of this catfish, perhaps a separate species, is sold as Microsynodontis sp. polli. This fish is more or less solidly brown except for three irregularly bordered but vertical cream bands, one behind the head, and two on the flanks.

Fish information (behaviour and breeding):

While it may eat livebearer fry, this catfish is otherwise peaceful. It is very shy though, and must be kept in a tank with lots of plants and other hiding places. Nocturnal; but once settled in, it will swim about more freely. Do not keep with aggressive or substantially larger tankmates.

Family Group: Catfish
Distribution West Africa
Temperature 24-26 C
Size 6 cm
Water Parameters Neutral to slightly alkaline freshwater preferred
Water PH 7.0 to 7.5

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